Article: Improving Sales: The Excuse Department Is Closed ( @ldubost , read it!!)

The whole article is worth a read. This quote is very true:

Also, don’t give your sales teams too much authority on price negotiations. Given them small authority to discount, give the sales leader a slightly larger level and anything above that comes to your desk for negotiation. Too big of a discount authority will lead to price drops because it’s easier than selling value and doing the hard business-case work. Losing on price is for losers. The excuse department is closed.

From: "Improving Sales: The Excuse Department Is Closed" at:

As a sales guy, I've been falling for this more than once. Happily enough, my boss (@ldubost) won't let me do it too often :-)

(via Instapaper)

UPDATE: I'll make sure to read all articles on as well