Getting started with lead capture

UPDATE: I have removed the download form for the time being. The initial feedback I've gotten is that the white paper needs to be improved before we can make it available for download - I'll keep you posted about the progress on this front.

Those of you who have been following this blog for a while know that I initially started blogging at, publishing blog articles about how wikis could be best used by organizations. All of those posts have now bee migrated to my current blog, most of them under this URL:

I've also recently started playing with LoopFuse. It's a great tool for automated lead nurturing. One of the keys of a successful lead nurturing programs is pretty basic: you need to be able to collect the email addresses of the people who visit your website. While researching the topic I found this article from the Unbounce blog that lists a set of giveaways that may lead a visitor to provide his email address. Since I didn't quite have the time to write an eBook I decided to go for a white paper instead - similar to an eBook, only shorter. And, well, since Steve said that "people don't read anymore"...
I was then hit by a stroke of genius (yeah, modesty is one of my stronger assets): what if I used some of my older columns, updated and edited with some fresh information, as the basis of said white paper? That's what I set out to do and I just came off with an acceptable first version. I'll have people at our marketing department review it later on (yes, I mean you, Silvia & Émilie) but I'll already try using it as is to see how things go. Iteration is key to results so I'll try improving it as time passes.
The added benefit is that the paper will also provide me with some new material for this blog - you can expect 2 or 3 wiki-related posts in the coming days.
You can download the white paper from, simply fill the form located to the right of the page and you'll get it. Feedback about its content would be very welcome!