Office Politics - Part 3

This had started fine... Sipping a coffee in the mild sun of our office backyard, teaching our new office assistant how to light matches by flicking them away, business as usual... until Thomas (@eveilleau) found the dead mouse.

His logical reaction was to look for a way to use it as a weapon and he threw the mouse at me (he was less than 3 meters away from me). The poor beast landed in my coffee - I barely had the time to leap sidewards in order to avoid it. I was lucky enough to have caught Thomas' move from a corner of my eye as I was definitely the intended target.

I had to retaliate. I took the yard's waterjet and opened the tap, directing it straight at Thomas who enjoyed the benefits of a couple buckets of fresh water to cool his spirits down. 

He hurriedly left the yard only to come back seconds later with what was left of a bottle of Coke Zero. I took my t-shirt off seconds before he started spraying coke on me, chasing me across the yard.

We left it at that... at least for now.

PS: did I mention @jvdrean used the occasion to hijack my Twitter account (@glerouge)? JV, I will not forget that either ;-)