I've been working on a code snippet allowing to create a task in Asana from XWiki with the help of @ldubost.
It allows an user to create a new task in an Asana workspace right from a wiki page in XWiki. As of right now it's quite rough, but it shows interesting potential.
The code snippet can be seen here: http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/PostTaskToAsana
I can think of several use cases:
- Many people use XWiki to store procedures, handling their validation workflow using Asana would be pretty neat
- The integration would be great to help people coordinate around the writing of sales proposals, especially complex ones
- Thinking ahead, the integration would be useful pretty much anytime a group of people has to work collaboratively on editing a document in the wiki. Given XWiki's ability to create structured documents, the possibilities are endless (and, yes, that was one my first blog posts on the XWiki blog).