Text edition in XWiki Enterprise 1.9 is awesome

I'm currently working on XWiki's answer to the French government call for Web 2.0 projects. We started a fresh XWiki Enterprise 1.9 instance to work together on our answer and I love using it:

  • Full-screen edition allows me to focus on what I'm writing
  • The Alt+Caps+S shortcut lets me save my modifications without reloading the page
  • I can create links easily thus keeping the whole thing organized
  • It's WYSIWYG so I don't need to worry about the syntax
Basically, it combines all the advantages of traditional desktop-based text editors with those of a wiki :-)


Indeed, I tried that too when taking notes for my MSc. Wysiwyg in fullscreen with save and continue rocks!
And even better, we are using the powerfull Multi-Page Export feature (not yet released) to get our wiki content tree exported to PDF and thanks to our PDF improvements in 1.9 it looks awesome..

It's a bit self congratulating but it's true...

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