We'll know that Apple is about to release the iWatch...

... when we'll see them patent induction charging technology as part of their laptop line.

Think about it: we spend all day long at our computers, typing on our keyboards. Our wrists' natural resting place is the bottom of our laptops:

With the rise and generalization of induction charging technology, it would only seem natural that a charger should be embedded in the laptop itself in order to allow for a seamless experience. It would efficiently resolve the issue of having to keep your watch charged all day long.

Once the technology becomes available as a standard within the MacBook line, it could be extended to charging iPhones, or even iPads. Wait... Is there any evidence pointing in this direction?

A recent patent awarded to Apple might indicates that they are exploring technology to this effect: https://www.google.com/patents/US20130063873?dq=apple+induction+charger&hl=fr&sa=X&ei=-lQKUozeCcPP0AXBvIHQDg&sqi=2&pjf=1&ved=0CEAQ6AEwAQ

Just drop your iPhone and iPad on your computer in the evening, before you go to sleep. Your beloved tablet, now charging wirelessly: