Article: Christmas Gifts and the Meaning of Design

Nice analogy by Ben Thompson:

Approaching a problem with a design thinking mindset, however, certainly takes into account what a customer says, but simply as one input among many. In this approach, observation of the way people really live, development of a deep understanding of the real problems they have, and an appreciation of the “hacks” they devise to overcome them can deliver an understanding of prospective customer’s needs more accurate than what any of those prospective customers could ever articulate on their own.

And then, from that understanding, an entirely new, highly differentiated product can be delivered that surprises and delights. From a business perspective, the emotion and attachment said product inspires breaks down price sensitivity and builds brand attachment, and inspires the sort of viral marketing that can’t be bought.

The very best gifts are those you did not expect, yet can't live without once you've been offered them.