Tim O'Reilly on the key players of the Internet as the Operating System

"The question is whether a single company will put together a single, vertically-integrated platform that is sufficiently compelling to developers to enable the kind of lock-in we saw during the personal computer era, or whether, Internet-style, we will instead see services from multiple providers horizontally integrated via open standards."

Read the full piece (and the first part too if you haven't done so), it's well worth your time!

Publishers are stupid

The Kindle edition is more expensive than the paperback edition... Seeing this actually put me off from buying the book. How dumb is that? And I'm not even talking about the fact that distribution costs from the US to France are, like, times less expensive for the electronic version.

Add to this that the French version of the book isn't available in the iBooks store (it does exist in paperback version). Publishing houses, please get your shit together!

The iPad was a long way coming...

"It's possible that some people could come out with some very interesting Web terminals and sell some hardware." 
Steve Jobs, 1996

Spot on to say the least :-)

Read the full piece, it's full of awesome quotes that prefigure plenty of the things we take for granted today.


I was at the Fallenfest concert tonight. It's an event where bands compete against each other to earn the right to get their firt CD produced.

I was there to support Huxley Met Soda, a friend's friends band. Their songs were pretty cool but unfortunately they didn't get the most votes from the public...