Thoughts on collaboration - conversation vs content

I had an interesting conversation with Arnaud Rayrole (@arayrole) from USEO about wikis, enterprise social networking tools and the future of collaboration platforms. We met while at the Solutions Intranet et Travail Collaboratif conference.

Me in full action at the conference

Our conversation revolved mostly around the opposition and complementarity between people-centered tools versus content-centered tools. Below are the most interesting tidbits I recollected and some observations.

His take is that companies (especially large companies) are looking for tools that will allow them to find experts about any subject domain more easily. We both agreed on the fact that a declarative model (I say what I'm an expert in in my profile) would not be sufficient. The main issue with a declarative model is that most people will not take the time and effort needed to keep the information about themselves up to date.

His key point was that people actually show what they're experts of through conversations with one another. Conversations come naturally between people, whether through email, instant messaging or comments on a wiki. It's from those interactions that expertise in a given domain can be identified and assessed.

What would then be needed is therefore a way to excerpt meaning from those conversations in order to identify who's an expert of what. A social layer could be added on top of this in order to sort the relevance of content based on whether it comes from a close member of one's network. A tool such as Stack Exchange (which powers the Stack Overflow website that recently received Series A funding) could actually fit that description pretty well. The tool makes a great job of turning a conversation into a coherent piece of content and helping identifying experts in a given domain. Maybe I should give Joel Spolsky a call to suggest a potential business model? (I actually tweeted him, not expecting much of an answer though...)

However switching from a declarative model (I opt-in to share specific information) to an implicit model (I have to opt-out of sharing information) can have its drawbacks too (see the so-called Google Buzz Debacle for an example). I'm not sure how enterprise will respond to new applications that broadcast implicit (Albert is an expert about Swiss cheese) and explicit (Robert purchased French cheese) information to an internal public. While from an organizational standpoint this could bring a lot of benefits to the company, it may be a tough sell for individuals.

That's what tools such as Xobni have started doing but from what I understand of the service it keeps implicit information related to a given user available only to that user (who am I interacting most with? when am I most likely to get answers to the emails I send?). It's a bit different from the solution Arnaud was envisioning, where information would be collected and used at all levels of the platform but still very valuable.

The question of access rights is also interesting to look at. For instance, should I be allowed to see that such or such person is an expert in a given area if her "expertise degree calculation" is based on data I am not allowed to see?
Talking with Jean-Patrice from Personall

As for where XWiki stands with regards to this, I actually think we're not that far from the ideal tool he depicts (obviously...). If you take a look at the XWiki Incubator you can see an experimental dashboard that @jvelo put together. It brings together the latest comments and annotations that users have been adding to pages and displays them front and center on the page. Along with the list of pages people have been editing, it brings a lively and relevant view of what people are up to on the wiki. Conversations are displayed prominently on the page and allow users to get a quick grasp of who's talking about what.

I guess a next step for Jérôme's experiment would be some kind of faceted search interface (similar to Google's new look or the Facebook dashboard maybe?) that would allow one to filter the activity based on specific criteria (such as modifications taking place in specific spaces / from users outside of one's network for instance).

I'll stop here before the article gets so long that nobody ever reads it in its entirety, but special thanks to @arayrole for the stimulating discussion!

What a bank safe looks like

The bank at the end of our office's street is apparently getting an interior lift. I came accross the new safe a couple days ago and I felt surprised about how not-that-secure it looks.

Hopefully it's not as thin as it looks on the inside...

Building Situational Applications with XWiki

Back in 2004 author Clay Shirky wrote a very interesting piece on Situational Applications. He defines them as follows:

"Situated software isn't a technological strategy so much as an attitude about closeness of fit between software and its group of users."

In short, he argues that the cost of writing applications has become so low that it has become worthwhile to create focused applications for small groups of users:

"Small, purpose-built apps have always existed, of course. Now, though, the combination of good tools, talented users and the internet as a social stage makes the construction of such software simpler, the quality of the result better, and the delivery to the users as simple as clicking a link. The design center of a dozen users, so hard to serve in the past, may become normal practice."

XWiki offers a platform on which a company can quickly and effectively build such small applications for its employees. Examples of such applications include a company-specific project management tool that we created for one of our customers or a process documentation tool that we built for another.

In essence, using XWiki as a rapid application development platform provides your team with all the tools they need to create great collaborative applications quickly. That's why we call it the second generation wiki.

Once XWiki users find out about the fact that they can have pretty much any simple application they can think of built for them, they come up with plenty of ideas about what the perfect applications to support their business needs would be and we end up building a lot of such applications for them.

You can contact us if you'd like to find out more about the applications XWiki SAS has built for its customers.

Getting started with lead capture

UPDATE: I have removed the download form for the time being. The initial feedback I've gotten is that the white paper needs to be improved before we can make it available for download - I'll keep you posted about the progress on this front.

Those of you who have been following this blog for a while know that I initially started blogging at, publishing blog articles about how wikis could be best used by organizations. All of those posts have now bee migrated to my current blog, most of them under this URL:

I've also recently started playing with LoopFuse. It's a great tool for automated lead nurturing. One of the keys of a successful lead nurturing programs is pretty basic: you need to be able to collect the email addresses of the people who visit your website. While researching the topic I found this article from the Unbounce blog that lists a set of giveaways that may lead a visitor to provide his email address. Since I didn't quite have the time to write an eBook I decided to go for a white paper instead - similar to an eBook, only shorter. And, well, since Steve said that "people don't read anymore"...
I was then hit by a stroke of genius (yeah, modesty is one of my stronger assets): what if I used some of my older columns, updated and edited with some fresh information, as the basis of said white paper? That's what I set out to do and I just came off with an acceptable first version. I'll have people at our marketing department review it later on (yes, I mean you, Silvia & Émilie) but I'll already try using it as is to see how things go. Iteration is key to results so I'll try improving it as time passes.
The added benefit is that the paper will also provide me with some new material for this blog - you can expect 2 or 3 wiki-related posts in the coming days.
You can download the white paper from, simply fill the form located to the right of the page and you'll get it. Feedback about its content would be very welcome!

Inrocks Indie Club

I was at la Maroquinerie tonight for a small indie concert. My gf won the places through an online contest and she chose to invite (how lucky am I :-).

We got to see Tubelord, Everything Everything and Ellie Goulding. While Tubelord was hardly more than noise in disguise, the other 2 were pretty nice. Although male only, Everything Everything played a lot on their high-pitched voices to a convincing effect. Ellie Goulding boasted the only female performer of the evening and had some nice songs as well.

All in all a pretty good way to spend a spring evening in Paris!