Bulls & Cows

I was at the Salon de l'Agriculture (Agriculture Fair) earlier today. It's a yearly fair that takes place in Paris where the public can come and meet their food-to-be for real.

I've got a batch of pics to share, here's the first round!

Pool & Bowling with the team

Anca, Flavius & MariusB were in Paris last week. We seized the opportunity to go for dinner + pool & bowling with them and some people from the Paris team (@tcamberlin, @jvdrean, @tmortagne) on Thursday evening.

While my pool record wasn't so bad, I definitely have some room for improvement when it comes to bowling. As you can see from the picture of the score, I guttered at least 3 times, prompting @ldubost to nickname me 00G :-)

It was a great evening that eventually ended with some Romanian Palinka (I'm not sure how this is spelt though) - team building at its very best ;-)

PS: sorry @lucaa, I had to include @flaviusolaru's picture ;-)